Tag Archives: knitting

holy scarves and other adventures.

Sorry for the lack of updates… This weekend was pretty low-key. I caught up on reading, got some chores done, and painted the town — eh, mostly Stetson’s — red with some friends… and was again reminded how short all the men in DC are. But I digress…

One of my biggest accomplishments this weekend was stuffing four … FOUR … trash bags full of clothes to give away. I mostly shop at Target, so nothing is worth consigning. And I finally convinced myself to let go of those just-in-case-you-gain-those-30-pounds-back jeans/dresses/shirts/etc. I figure if I move, I won’t want to bring them with me. And if I do gain the weight back, I’ll want to go shopping to make myself feel better anyway.

So I have no news on gaining employment, but I am conquering my resolutions like it’s my job. I’m well through a book for January, have shows lined up, travel plans, and today, I learned how to knit. Well, I started to at least.

My wonderful friend and neighbor H has every other Monday off, and graciously offered to teach me (she’s an expert and is fully aware how inept I can be at crafting). So I headed over after lunch and learned how to cast on before completing a few rows. But in true fashion, I also somehow managed to knit a hole into whatever it was I was making. That’s not going to deter me from trying to knit a scarf. Maybe holes will just be my… thing? Maybe Etsy shop owner will not be my next endeavor.


I ended my day catching up with an old college friend I hadn’t seen an embarrassingly long time. A while back, pre-layoff, I made a bucket list of places I wanted to go to and things I wanted to do before I left DC. And let’s face it, most of the places are restaurants. One of those was 2 Amy’s, a pizza place across from the National Cathedral. It did not disappoint.


Good food, good friends, another good day. Here’s to holy scarves.



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