daily affirmation. {the funemployed turns 1!}


Time flies, guys. Friday marked one year since we left our jobs, and today is exactly one year since we started this little blog. We’re kind of cheating — we realize we didn’t blog for a year straight — but we  wanted to celebrate the start of what was a crazy, freeing, questionable, i’d-do-it-all-over-again-a-million-times-if-given-the-chance ride.

In the next couple of days we’ll jump on here and post some updates! Mostly self-indulgent opportunities for us to reflect, as we’re not sure anyone but us still looks at this blog from time to time…

Onward & Upward,

S & K

daily affirmation.


Here it is, guys, our final daily affirmation.

It feels wrong somehow to continue blogging under “The Funemployed,” as we both are currently no longer… Funemployed.

But blogging these last few months has been so rewarding. It has been a great way for our friends and family to keep up with our goings ons, but also for us to make new Internet friends. We don’t want to lose you. I, S, can say that I’ll be back in the blogging game as soon as things quiet down at the new gig. Just want to make sure I give the first few weeks proper focus before committing. But it’ll come. And it’ll be good. I’ll update here and tell you where you can find me!

Seriously, thanks to everyone reading this for the support, the comments, the general camaraderie. During a time when you need all the support you can get, you guys were there for us to lean on.

(Forever) Onward & Upward,

K & S


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all good things must come to an end.

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Tomorrow is my first day at the new job. We all knew this day was going to come.

Guys, it has been one wild ride. K came over tonight to give me a lovely end-of-Funemployment gift (see above) and do some reflectin’ and editin’ for this post. And warning: It ain’t a short one. So, I’ll summarize my thoughts here… If you choose to read no further than this, I want you to know that the last 5 months have been some of the, if not THE absolute, best of my life.

Also know that my following thoughts don’t include the recently discovered meaning of life or specific revelations about what I’m going to do with the rest of my life.

I didn’t learn these things. But I did learn that I have some really amazing friends, an incredible support system in my family, and that it pays — REALLY PAYS — to save money for years on years on years. I have 16- to 26-year-old S to thank for my good fortune these last few months. Because of her dedication to working multiple jobs in college and putting those birthday checks directly into savings (with a little help from the ‘rents), I got to enjoy myself in a relatively panic-free Funemployment.

If we can revisit that oddly warmish November day when K and I left our old jobs for just one moment… Bless my parents for taking my manic phone calls in the minutes I had to decide my fate. And of course they did their parental duty by giving me the obvious, reasonable, responsible advice: Stay. It’s better to find a job when you have a job.

I heard them. I really did. I understood what they were saying and WHY they were saying that. And let me tell you, in a lot of ways they’re right. You have a lot of ‘splaining to do with that hole on your resume.

I also knew I had to leave. However, I can sit here and write all about my gut and where it was leading me and how I always trust it etc. But it’s one thing to know what you want/should do and quite another to have the courage — the balls — to actually DO IT. I can say with confidence that I would not have left without K leaving with me. Your friends are there to support you and tell you everything is going to be okay, but sometimes they’re also there to leap right off the cliff with you, holding your hand. K, I’ll never forget, even though your time was much shorter, that this was something we started together. Friends push each other to be better, to want better for themselves, and I thank you for that support. Always.

It has been an incredible 5 months., including trips to visit friends / new cities — from Florida to New York to San Diego to Philly. Here’s my little (or not-so-little) list of what I’m taking with me from this whole experience. Let’s call it…

The Most Unofficial Guide to Funemployment: Lessons Learned while Grievin’ and Growin’

1. Cry. Like, cry a lot. If you’re like me, you may not have been totally happy with your former job, but you certainly weren’t unhappy. You’ll miss the routine, you’ll miss feeling a part of something, and holy hell you’ll miss the people. Grieve it. K and I left on a Thursday afternoon and took the weekend — 2 and a half days — to mourn the loss of jobs we poured everything we had into for 2 and a half years. It was so, so necessary. And if I had spent the weekend trying to pep myself up instead of letting myself feel loss, I don’t think I would have moved on so quickly. It truly is like a break-up. It also is a great way for your friends to show you how ridiculously amazing they are. I’ll always, always remember the people who sat with K and I as we cried in a bar that Thursday night. And the ones who on Friday came to my house with a delightfully punny care package. I mean I’m sure listening to me cry while eating string cheese on my sofa was exactly what KR had planned for her Friday. 

2. The best way is to get over it is to find something productive on which to focus your energy. Whatever your feelings about your old job, it’s just weird to not have anything to do during the day. At first SOAPNet might seem too alluring to miss out on. Don’t cave… yet. The blog was K and my little passion project — a way for us to channel our energy into something that felt productive at least for part of the day. Then we could retreat back to our homes, bake cookies, and pop bottles at 2 p.m. (André, obviously. But letsbehonest, that’s regardless of budget.)

3. Believe in yourself. Cliché, maybe, but SO important. You are going to feel like shit sometimes. I mean complete and total shit. You will have moments where you have an overwhelming feeling that you are now officially, 100% un-hirable, that your parents are disappointed in you, and that Jason Segel really is never going to be your husband. That too shall pass. You’ll realize (most of) your fears are just untrue. (This realization usually comes around the time you sober up…) I’m lucky in that I can count these really rough days on one hand — but I also still remember each one; they come fast and furious. But don’t let these down moments force you to question the process / what you’re meant to be doing. Don’t take the first job you are offered just because it’s a job. I turned down a job earlier in the process because I knew it wasn’t a good fit for me. The money would have been nice. The people were so sweet. But I also knew that I left my last job for something greater; if I just wanted a paycheck, I would have stayed.

4. At my last job, my coworkers became my friends. My friends became my coworkers. My life was my job in a lot of ways. I’ve always sort of defined my success by what I’m doing at work. Obviously you can’t rely on that when you don’t have a job. And that is hard. Really hard, sometimes. But this time has helped me find value in other things — hobbies, friends, exploring other interests. It’s allowed me to find value in myself and what I’m doing outside of the office. A nice reminder that you’re a person, not a position.

5. Have fun and a little faith. After you believe you WILL find a job again, the hardest part is the huge unknown: the WHEN. It can be paralyzing sometimes; especially when you see your savings account getting smaller and smaller. But in those moments, I tried to always imagine future me, in her new job, looking back on her Funemployed days. I won’t regret a minute of it because I used my time wisely; or at least I like to think so. I traveled, I saw friends, I kept up writing and editing, I discovered some really great coffee shops (and the people who work and hang in them). I took the time — and sometimes the money — to live it up with what we all wish we had sometimes: unlimited free time.

In the end, I just really want to say thank you to my friends and family. Again. And Again.

To all my friends who were there with me during this, y’all are some of the best a girl could ask for. Whether you were crying in a bar with me, coming to my house and offering comfort when I needed it the most, doing the same from afar, or just generally being my partners in crime, you guys have done way more than I could ever ask of you. And I hope I get to return the feelings and favors and all of the above in full one day.

To my family, I love you. Thank you for all of your support. I think having such good, strong examples in my parents helped me have the confidence in myself to take this journey. And the idea that perhaps there’d be a safety net if I truly, truly crashed and burned. (Thank God for all of us that didn’t happen.)

I’ve been saying it from the beginning, to the middle, and now the end. Truly, truly, I believe…




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wine barrels of fun.

So this weekend I spent the last of my Funemployed days helping K say goodbye to the single life. Along with 7 of other gals from parts of K’s life, I had a fantastic weekend wining and dining around DC and Charlottesville.

We spent Friday night in DC with a delightful dinner at Ripple in Cleveland Park (mmm cheese plates!), before retiring to the Omni in Woodley Park. Early Saturday we awoke and got on the road, accompanied with Starbucks and Bethesda Bagels.

It was smooooth sailing, until about 15 miles from our hotel, when the car I was in broke down … The exhaust may or may not have fallen off. So the entire caravan pulled over and waited for our soon-to-be BFF Gene, the AAA tow truck driver, to arrive.

After dropping the car off at a local auto body shop, we booked it and managed to make  it to the hotel just in time to hop in our private van for a day winery hopping around Charlottesville. We made it to three — King Family, Stinson, and Veritas. They were all great, but everyone agreed the first was their favorite. Dinner was at this fantastic restaurant, The Local. Go there and get the truffle Mac and cheese and the trout with crispy avocado. So good.

The rest of the weekend was spent drinking, dancing, brunching, etc etc.

Now I’m at home, exhausted, and gearing up for my big first day at the new job TOMORROW. Ah, time flies.

I’ll update soon with a reflection on this whole experience. Until then.



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daily affirmation.


Wherever you are, may you be spending the day drinking in the sunshine (both imbibing and soaking up some vitamin D).

I’ll be doing both of those things while touring wineries in the ridiculously lovely Charlottesville, Va., w/ K and the rest of her gal pals.




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it’s the final countdown: days 4, 5 & more.

I’m writing this on my last weekday as a Funemployed person. So, naturally I’m doing it in a coffee shop.

Day 4 — yesterday — was lovely. I started the morning as I usually do lately: consumed by my allergies. But I tore myself out of bed to meet C at the new NPR building — his office — over in NoMA. After lunch and a tour (the office is shiny and new and pretty, y’all — or as C would say “trendy”), I started my walk home. Desperately in need of a little wake-up call, I stopped at Big Bear Cafe on the way. I’ve heard about this place forever, but have never made it over there. The staff is friendly, the outdoor patio is inviting, and the iced vanilla latte is delicious.

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I then went home for a couple hours (to watch Homeland, obviously) before heading over to C’s for some beers on the porch. Then it was off to Sara Bareilles at the 930 Club! The show was good, y’all. Like, real good. She’s obviously a great singer, but the gal has a sense of humor and sarcasm that is rivaled only by yours truly …JK LOL NOT JK. But seriously, see her LIVE! if you can.

Aside from Sara’s singing and joke-slinging, the night was also memorable because two fabulous guys got engaged on stage. The crowd was on their feet. And of course he said yes!

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Today — Day 5 — has been a little more uneventful… SO FAR. I’m sitting in a coffee shop now doing a little reading for the new job, which starts bright and early Monday morning.

I tried to convince my body to sleep in — IT’S MY LAST CHANCE, AFTER ALL — but alas, I was up at 8:30 a.m. I’m having lunch at the lovely U Street Cafe right now (they know my name you guys!), and the rest of my afternoon will be spent reading before I meet up with K at 5 p.m. to start the weekend with a couple of cocktails. But it’s not just any other old weekend. IT’S K’S BACHELORETTE WEEKEND, Y’ALL. I’m so happy that I get to spend my weekend saying goodbye to Funemployment by helping K say goodbye to her single gal days. She and future Mr. K are such a great pair; I’m so happy for her. I won’t/can’t say much about this weekend, as K reads this here little bloggy, but rest assured it will be fun (read: drunk). I’ll update y’all on Sunday. With lots of pitchures.

Sometimes I feel like my posts are just like “Hey! Here’s what I did today…”, which considering what a jet-set life I lead, I know is like, totally super interesting for you all to read. But in case you were looking to know a little bit more about me as a human, outside of my jam-packed schedule, here’s some other random info from the last few days.

1. I FINISHED HOMELAND. You guys. You guys. Seriously. Watch this show. But make sure you either a) watch it with someone or b) have a best friend on the West Coast who has already seen it and who is available to indulge your 3 a.m. EST text messages being all like ‘THIS SHIT IS CRAY.” (ALL CAPS NECESSARY.) Also, considering how many shows Funemployment has allowed me to get hooked on, I can confirm this is the most accurate thing I’ve read on the Internet in a long while… http://www.buzzfeed.com/rachelhorner/the-27-stages-of-getting-addicted-to-a-television-show … Thanks to aforementioned BFF M for this gem.

2. If you’re looking for a happy little summer ditty, try Ben Rector’s “The Beat.” I can’t stop listening to it. I was walking around in the sunshine smiling to myself this morning as it was dancing through my headphones. Yep, I was THAT girl. I think in the last few days I have listened to approximately four songs on repeat (what are blogs for if not embarrassing admissions like this?).

  • Next to Me by Emilie Sandé
  • Come & Get It by Selena Gomez (seriously, f’real, thanks a lot, H)
  • The Beat by Ben Rector
  • Can’t Hold Us by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis

3. Hokay, this is actually some big news I’m sorry I haven’t mentioned here before. So at the moment I live in a huge rowhouse with 4 other roommates. This sounds like a lot o’ people, but we’re all friends and it’s been such a great home for the last two years. Sadly, but understandably with all the new construction around, our landlords have decided to make themselves bookoo bucks by selling our house to presumably the highest bidder. And they want us out by May 31st. Eeks. H and I have decided it would be fun to continue living with each other, and saw a 2-bedroom house recently we both fell in love with. Well, turns out the landlord loved us right back, and yesterday we got a note saying we got the house! We move in June 1! The house has a great outdoor back patio, so for those of you in the DeeSee area, expect a little partita invite soon! Or, just come on ovah.

Okay. Phew. This was a long post. Amazing that things never change: Having to do real work / reading brings me straight back to my procrastinating roots. Hope y’all are out enjoying the sunshine (assuming there’s some in your neck of the woods), or plan to this weekend.



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it’s the final countdown: days 2 and 3.

So I’ve made it halfway through my final Funemployed week. And I have to say, I’ve at least a little bit made up for spending all day on the couch Monday. (Although to many reading this in their cubes, that probably sounds perfect and lovely. And it was).

Tuesday morning I got up and went to get a massage. My gym’s spa (yes, it’s a fancy place) has 15% off on Tuesdays. And because I could go, like, whenever, I was able to make an appointment with the guy everyone raves about on Yelp: Jean. He really is the best. I felt so relaxed after my time on his bed that I immediately went to Starbucks for a little pick-me-up to get on with the rest of my day. I ended up running into an old friend, and got to catch up with her for a while, before heading to grab lunch and get some work done.

But speaking of my gym… If anyone asked me what the first thing I wanted to purchase when I was with-income again, my answer was always the same: I WANT MY TRAINER BACK. WELL, guys, next Tuesday Nancy and I will be reunited once again. And i’m SO excited. I have been doing a little bit of stress eating this past month and making myself busy with anything but activities that involve a whole lot of physical exertion. This is going to be great. (Remind me I said that next week.)

Speaking of overeating… H and I had a lady date with R (one of my besties from college) and R’s roommate… other R. The R’s live up in Chevy Chase, so I got to cross off another DC bucket list restaurant: Comet Ping Pong. A hipster-quirky pizza place on Connecticut Avenue, the menu is diverse and delicious. I got the Rodrigo — lime salsa, beef, onions, some other stuff I can’t remember. And they have gluten-free crust for all yous gluten-free people out there.

Comet Ping Pong - Rodrigo

Today I spent my morning setting up some appointments (or trying to), getting my ‘brows done, and heading to a coffee shop for lunch and a little bit o’ work. Then I continued my dedication to Overeaters Not-So-Anonymous by grabbing a ton of food from my future place of work for a little menu testing. It was delightful.

But also made me so full I barely had the energy to go see Ben Rector’s show at the 9:30 Club. Who, you ask? Well H and I were asking the same question when 9:30 sent out their Upcoming Shows email last week and described him not only as a man who could play some instruments, but who could keep a gal laughing in between songs. We were sold on description alone, then Spotify’d some of his tunes — just some light, poppy, guy-with-a-guitar-sometimes-keyboard jams. And it’s rare to get some breathing room at a non-sold out 9:30 club show. The couple mauling each other and the other maybe-not-a-couple-that-included-a-guy-who-SRSLY-cant-dance enjoyed this as well. Check him out; the show was as promised — entertaining through and through — and even included an improvised song about bacon.

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Also, I’m now finally halfway through Season 2 of Homeland. SERIOUSLY WHAT ARE YOU DOING READING THIS AND NOT WATCHING ALREADY???



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